Indu Makkal Katchi has criticised DMK government’s move to announce Periyar EV.Ramasamy’s birthday, September 17, as Social Justice day. The party has released a statement listing out the wrongdoings and true nature of Periyar EV.Ramasamy and why he doesn’t deserve this tribute.
“If September 17 had been announced as Social Justice Day to commemorate the birthday of Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi for announcing 27% OBC reservations in PG Medical seats, it would have been fitting. To commemorate Mr EV Ramasamy, who was born on the same day, is a travesty of the honour”, the statement says.
It further lists out the reasons why Periyar doesn’t deserve this honour and how it would be more fitting q tribute to PM Modi.
- “EVR had claimed that prices of clothes were going up because women from SC background had begun to use blouses.
- EVR who, throughout his lifetime, called Tamil a barbaric language and the Tamil people barbarians.
- EVR entered into a most unseemly marriage at the age of 72, claimed women did not need the institution of marriage and had women remove their thalis(mangalsutra)
- Mr EVR was always insistent on the castes deemed higher in social status than his own should be dismantled but wanted to keep the social order intact for the castes below his own in social status
- Mr EVR marked the Independence Day of India as a ‘Black Day’ of mourning. He opposed the Freedom Movement and wanted India to stay under the yoke of colonialism.
- Does opposition to Brahmins alone count as social justice? Or does achieving equal rights for everyone count as social justice?
- Mr Modi, on the other hand, has extolled the Tamil language as among the richest classical languages of the world.
- Mr Modi issued a clarion call for educating and empowering girl children”
Citing these reasons, IMK chief Arjun Sampath has implored Tamil Nadu BJP to commemorate September 17, Prime Minister Modi’s birthday, as the true day of Social Justice. It is a but a travesty that the birthday of someone who called for killing Brahmins would be celebrated as the day of Social Justice. This decision of the DMK government has faced opposition from many quarters.
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