Basic development finally reaching the erstwhile neglected areas of Bharat’s ‘red corridor’ combined with unrelenting security operations against Maoist terrorists is beginning to bear fruit. Recently, a young Maoist couple in Odisha decided to leave the Maoist life of violence, bloodshed and false ideology to join the mainstream and live a normal, productive life.
As reported in The Times of India, Waga Urmami, 26 and his wife Mude Madi, 20, carried a combined cash reward of Rs 5 Lakhs on their heads. Urmami was wanted by police for his involvement in at least 25 offences including 7 murder and attempt to murder cases. Madi was involved in 15 attacks, including 8 murders.
Spending 10 years in the forests with a false notion of working for the poor, Urmami recalls how miserable his life was during that period. At the age of 16, he joined a local squad of CPI (Maoist). Maoists used to visit his village frequently and their repeated appeals brainwashed the teenage boy to take up a destructive path. He had never been to school or lived a normal life with his family.
Urmami told, “Instructions about and attack would come up from the top. We only executed them. After each operation, the cadres were asked to assemble at the camp site and scan the newspapers for the reactions of the government and police.”
He found his wife who was his fellow in the same group. She joined the group at a mere age of 15 years. She played key role in spreading the Maoist ideology among the villagers.
They weren’t paid anything for their ‘work’. All they got was free clothes and food. Villagers could not refuse them food and shelter. Moreover, what changed things for them was the Ramaguda Encounter on October 26, 2016 in which around 30 Maoists were killed in Malkangiri district and left the others demoralised. Madi said that they wanted to surrender for months but waited for the right opportunity.
The inauguration of the Gurupriya Bridge on 26 July came as the final push which nudged them over to the other side. This bridge re-connected 151 villages that were cut off from mainland Malkangiri district for 50 years due to a hydel project – the permanent security camp set up in Jantapai to protect the bridge along with enhanced combing operations ahead of inauguration, finally prompted the couple to give up arms on July 29.
The lack of a steady income and lack of ideology in the Maoist party led them to surrender, say the couple. Now that they have escaped the ‘Red’ life, the young couple want to restart their life with dignity and a chance to live respectfully in the mainstream.
It is sad to see how young boys and girls are brainwashed with an ideology wherein bloodshed and murders are a way of life, all for the sake of a ‘revolution’ which promises utopia but has actually delivered nothing but misery and mass death in all countries where it was implemented. The urban naxals and elites, like Nandini Sundar(DU professor and wife of senior journalist Siddarth Varadarajan) & Bela Bhatia (wife of Jean Dreze, a member of Sonia Gandhi’s super-cabinet NAC), who provide the above-ground intellectual & logistical support for the Maoist terror groups keep running their agenda while living a comfortable life feeding off the very State they want to see destroyed.
It is the poor villagers who stay deprived from the fruits of development and sacrifice their life as foot soldiers for the ’cause’ that in reality is far from the real cause of upliftment. Even peace attempts are dismissed by the Maoist ideologues at the top because they don’t want these villagers to know how a peaceful, dignified setup can change their lives. Equally to blame is the Congress party which has ruled the country and most of the red corridor states for the bulk of the time since independence – their disastrous economic & social policies ensured that these areas remained backward and deprived of basic services.
It is clear from this case that a 3-pronged approach – relentless security operations, developing basic infrastructure, employment opportunities – will soon defeat the Maoists and their foreign/Lutyens’ backers.
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