In a village named Sagaar in Punhana, Mewat (Nuh) district of Haryana, an attempt to encroach an old temple land was foiled by the police after the locals, along with Hindu organizations, protested against the encroachment attempt. This news was published by Dainik Jagran last month.
As per the news by Jagran, there is an old Shri Krishna temple in the village Sagaar. Some part of the land is lying vacant in front of the temple, on which a Muslim resident named Tahir started constructing a wall. The temple samiti along with Hindu organizations like VHP, Aryasamaj, RSS, Bajrang Dal, Gaud Samaj and others, started protesting on this. As per the news piece, the police did not file an FIR but went to the spot and got the construction stopped.
We contacted the SHO, Sh. Jairam (of Bichhor police station) of the concerned area. The SHO confirmed the news and said that the accused, Tahir, was making a feeding area for his cattle on the temple land. He said that the Police destroyed the construction and have told him to keep away from the land. Hence, there was no need for FIR right then. He also said that the police will not allow any illegal land encroachments in the region.
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