Mohamed Ayub, an ex-MLA of Peace Party in UP has been booked under National Security Act by the Yogi Adityanath government. He had been arrested on 1st of August from his clinic in Gorakhpur, where he practiced as a surgeon. The arrest was made due to an inflammatory advertisement he placed in Urdu newspapers on 31st of July. The contents of the advertisement are discussed later in this article.
The purpose of the NSA is to prevent individuals from acting in a manner prejudicial to certain state objectives, including national security, public order and the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the community. It can be used to detain individuals for up to a year without charges and trial. Thus it is likely that Mohamed Ayub will not get any respite from jail for at least a year.
Who is Mohamed Ayub?
Mohamed Ayub is a surgeon based in Gorakhpur who founded Peace Party in 2008. The party is in many ways like the Islamist outfits PFI and SDPI, which were also founded around the same time in Kerala. Like those, Peace Party also keeps a ‘secular’ name, but has its base overwhelmingly among Muslims who have been disillusioned by larger parties. All its major leaders are Muslims, and the has tried to spread base in Maharashtra too.
In the UP Assembly elections of 2012, this party won 2.35% of votes and 4 seats in the assembly. Ayub himself became an MLA from Khalilabad. Three of these were Muslims and Akhilesh Singh was the lone Hindu. It must be noted that Akhilesh did not need Peace PArty for winning in his seat. He had won the same seat as Congress and then independent candidate too. His daughter, Aditi Singh, represents the seat now on Congress ticket. In the 2017 election, Peace Party did not win any seats and Ayub’s Khalilabad was won by BJP. In 2017 itself, Mohamed Ayub was arrested for rape of a 22 year old nursing student, who had later died.
Why Mohamed Ayub slapped with NSA
Mainstream newspapers have said that Ayub was arrested because of a controversial advertisement, but none have given details. Some have said that Ayub’s advertisement was against constitution of Bharat, but that is a very mild way of putting it. The advertisement that was published in Urdu dailies is given below.
The advertisement was in the form of an endorsement by ulema(religious leaders of Islam) for establising Muslim rule in Bharat! The advertisement can be loosely translated as:-
“We the ulema from various sects hereby declare our decision to fully support the Peace Party’s political mission to establish Ahkam-e-Ilahi and Nizam-e-Mustafa and are prepared to make every sacrifice needed for the success of this political mission. For the past 100 years the sarkari ulema have supported the political mission of Hedgewar, Savarkar, Nehru, Lohia and Ambedkar and rallied the Muslim masses in their support. This position of theirs is totally opposite to the principles of Ahkaam-e-Ilahi and Nizam-e-Mustafa. We members of the Shariat Council oppose such anti-Shariah practice and appeal to the Muslim masses to beware of the sarkari ulema who only act for their personal benefit.”
The message essentially means that :-
- Peace Party’s political mission to is establish Ahkam-e-Ilahi and Nizam-e-Mustafa.
- Ulemas who support BJP, Congress, Samajwadi Party, BSP etc. are not correct and Peace Party is the only party of Muslims.
- Muslims should strive for Ahkaam-e-Ilahi and Nizam-e-Mustafa.
What is Ahkaam-e-Ilahi and Nizam-e-Mustafa?
Ahkaam-e-Ilahi means rule of Islamic law according to commandments of Allah. It is law specifically based on verses of Quran. Clearly, Peace Party and the ulema supporting them have no faith in the constitution and laws of Bharat and wish to establish Islamic laws in Bharat. That itself, along with appeal to a particular religion, should be enough to ban them from all political activities.
The term Nizam-e-Mustafa was coined in Pakistan in 1970s. It refers to an Islamic Government working under a Islamic Constitution. Clearly, this again points to a long term agenda of Islamist domination in Bharat.
Rising influence of Islamist politics in Bharat
The Islamist politics has been gaining influence in Bharat since last few years. Outfits like SDPI, PFI and Peace Party have come up, while AIMIM has spread its influence outside the old city of Hyderabad. It now has substantial presence in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Bihar and UP with MLAs in many of these states. Its candidate Imtiyaz Jaleel won Aurangabad Lok Sabha seat in Maharashtra in 2019 elections. Kashmir has always been hub of Islamist politics while IUML carries on the legacy of Jinnah in Kerala. AIDUF in Assam shoulders the agenda of Bangladesi infiltrators and local Islamists.
The rise of these Islamist parties has been correlated with increase in radicalization among Muslim youth. We have come to this situation where, certain section of ulema and political leaders are openly supporting establishment of Islamic state in Bharat.
The case of Mohamed Ayub and Peace Party demanding Islamic State in Bharat cannot be ignored. Not only Ayub, but all those Maulanas who supported him in this mission and whose photos adorn the advertisement should be locked up.
There is a possibility that if left alone, they may radicalize an even larger number of Muslim youth. The recent Delhi riots were a product of such slow radicalization. It is in national interest to stop a repeat of such disturbances.
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