Anurag Poddar lost his life in the Munger incident in October where police allegedly opened fire at a peaceful Durga Puja procession. Munger observed a peaceful bandh on Monday demanding justice for Anurag and as per reports, the people of Munger supported the bandh in large numbers.
Shops were shut from the morning although roadside stalls including fruit and vegetable shops remained open for the public. Vehicular traffic was also normal. The Munger authorities including the police made sufficient arrangements to ensure that the bandh went smoothly. Considering the farmer’s protest as well as call for Munger bandh, rapid action and police force was stationed at all the important city squares.
Police vehicles were also on continuous patrol while a few citizens hit the road with pictures of Anurag demanding justice for the young lad. Naresh Kumar Gupta, National Secretary of the Intercaste Interreligious Committee said that even though shopkeepers did not hit the streets they registered their support for the protest by keeping their shutters down. Even residents of Munger offered their total support to the bandh thereby showing that the protest would continue till justice is delivered to family and relatives of Anurag.
BJP leader Krishna Mandal said that the protests were successful as everyone from roadside vendors to auto-rickshaw drivers of Munger rendered their total support to the protests. He further demanded that action be taken against those who were responsible for Anurag’s murder and that the family be adequately compensated.
The Munger incident had sent shockwaves across the country as police opened fire on a peaceful Durga Puja procession in which the youngster was shot at point blank range and several others were injured. There were all round demand for a speedy and fair investigation along with the suspension of Superintendent of Police (SP) Lipi Singh.
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