Hindu exodus has been reported from Narsinghpur District’s Mahajani Tola in Madhya Pradesh (MP). This Muslim-majority area witnessed stone-pelting on Hindus following which the victims have been forced to move out. According to one of the victims, the number of Hindus in the area is very less, and hence, radical Islamists take advantage of this fact to pressurize them into leaving the area.
Hindu youth Imrat Prajapati from the SC community residing at Naya Bazar registered a complaint on June 14. In his complaint, he said that on Monday (June 14) night when he was sleeping suddenly stones were pelted and he saw stones strewn lying around in the courtyard. Imrat called a few neighbors and later they called the police. Two policemen visited the site but as soon as they left stone-pelting began once again.
Imrat further alleged that radical Islamists in the area have adopted this technique of stone-pelting to force Hindus out of the area and several families have already moved out. The victim has also asked the administration to ensure patrolling in the area.
“Stone-pelting took place on my house at night but since it was dark I couldn’t spot anyone. I have 3 young children who keep playing in the courtyard and hence there are chances of them getting injured by the stones at any time. There are only 4-5 Hindu homes in the area. Stones were pelted on my home one and half years ago. I had lodged a complaint at that time and the stone-pelting stopped. 2-to 3 Hindu families have already left this area. We are all living in fear”, OpIndia has quoted the victim Imrat Prajapati as saying.
(Featured Image Source: OpIndia)
What the MP Govt. is doing? Where will the Hindus go? If this issue is not properly addressed, then such Jihadists’ anti-Hindu drive will pop up in different parts of India causing a demographic as well socio-economic imbalance throughout the state.