A district court in Uttar Pradesh has convicted two men – Parvez Pavaz and Jumman Baba – for gang-raping a woman at gun point. The rape case was filed in 2018 by the woman, a vegetable vendor who used to sell her wares near the Dargah where she met the accused Jumman Baba, the secretary of the shrine and an occult practitioner.
Incidentally, Parvez Parvaz came into limelight when in 2008 he filed a ‘hate speech’ case against the then 3rd-time elected MP Yogi Adityanath from Gorakhpur. It was related to a speech given by Yogi in a rally which allegedly contained objectionable comments. The audio submitted by Parvez was later found to have been tampered .
On 27th July 2020, a district court sentenced both self-proclaimed social activist Parvez and Sufi shrine secretary / occultist Mehmood Ahmed aka Jumman Baba to life imprisonment for threatening a woman with a pistol and raping her in turns.
The 40-year-old Muslim woman who comes from a poor background had narrated to the court that she went to Jumman Baba to resolve a dispute between her and her husband, as Jumman Baba was associated with a Sufi shrine and used to practice witchcraft. On 3 June, on pretext of treatment, Jumman took her to a secluded spot where he raped her after threatening her with a pistol. Parvez was also there and he too raped her.
Initially Parvez was let off the hook as the complaint was rejected citing lack of evidence, but afterwards the case was re-investigated by Dr Shalini Singh who noted that the previous investigation had rejected the complaint arbitrarily without testimony being recorded under section 161 & 164, and that deliberation over the medical report was improper. In the medical test conducted by police, rape was established. Following this development, Parvez was arrested on 26th Sep 2018 and has been in jail ever since.
Parvez Parvaz claims he is being ‘framed’ by Sunni Waqf Board
During this time, Parvez Parvaz had sought to exonerate himself in Facebook posts dated 28 July & 02 August 2018 wherein he alleged that he and Jumman are being framed by UP Sunni Waqf Board chairman Zufar Ahmed Faruqi as Jumman had corrected gross discrepancies in the financial records of Astana Hazrat Baba Mubarak Khan shrine in Gorakhpur, UP. Following this, Waqf Board had changed the status of the said organisation which started a legal battle between Jumman and Waqf Board in Allahabad High Court. Coincidentally, Zufar Ahmed Faruqi was also a main litigant in the Ram Janmabhoomi title suit.
Further in the post, Parvez had alleged that Jumman’s son has been falsely implicated in drugs related case by one Ikrar Ahmed who was appointed by the Waqf board. Ikrar Ahmed has criminal cases for murder & under Gangster Act as alleged by Parvez. He further wrote that the same people have implicated him in a false rape case using a ‘characterless’ woman.
These posts are important as a section of liberal-Islamist media such as The Wire and Twocircles sought to insinuate that the rape charge against Parvez is in ‘revenge’ for filing a legal case against UP CM Adityanath. These portals are either unaware of or have deliberately ignored these posts wherein Parvez Parvaz himself has alleged direct hand of Sunni Waqf Board Chairman Zufar Ahmed Faruqi in the rape case against him.
Parvez Parvaz has a long track record of falling foul of the law. In an affidavit submitted in court, UP government has submitted that he has 10 criminal cases against him. He is also accused of submitting a tampered audio of Yogi Adityanath in order to implicate him. The forensic report dated 13.10.2014 submitted by an expert of Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Central Bureau of Investigation New Delhi, has confirmed the same.
In the pre-social media era, someone like Parvez Parvaz would have been made into a social crusader who ‘speaks truth to power’ by our left-liberal elites, just like they did with Teesta Setalvad and Sanjiv Bhatt. But today, their lies are busted in real time and criminals like Parvez get what they deserve.
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