“Curious Case of Newslaundry”, Jaypee4u, December 28, 2022:
“The year 2022 was surely interesting for Media business – specifically News (Digital & Broadcasting) business. There was a big rumble around TRP rigging with 8 media outlets being accused. Republic TV more specifically Arnab Goswami was made the centre piece by the then ruling political dispensation.
Subsequently the fiasco of “The Wire” involving a suddenly sane and then not so sane reporter putting together a scandalous story which was conveniently disowned by owners and editors of “the wire”. And the mother of all – NDTV acquisition by Adani Group.
To add a Bollywood style masala entertainment an international star was introduced in the mix by the name of Salvatore Babones. Most of the news media, which is postured to be against the current political dispensation helming the Union of India, was very unhappy with the positive narrative Mr. Babones was promoting about India.”
Read the full article at Jaypee4u.com