HSC (Hindu Students Council) of Rutgers University has organized an online conference on Friday, April 23 titled “Understanding Hinduphobia”. It aims to present a scholar-driven community definition of the term Hinduphobia enabling people to understand the term better.
Their website contains details regarding the event which says:
Understanding Hinduphobia is a first-of-its-kind virtual gathering that brings Hindu scholars and thoughtful community activists into conversation with students, educators, administrators, and allies to learn about and unpack the history, patterns, manifestations, and impact of Hinduphobia today. The conference aims to introduce participants to critical aspects of global and historical Hinduphobia; to understand the definition of Hinduphobia; and finally, to suggest how institutions can uphold this definition and what happens when they don’t. Organized by the Rutgers chapter of the Hindu Students Council with co-sponsorship from the Rutgers University Student Assembly— the University’s undergraduate student government, the conference will include interactive webinars, panels, and discussion groups, along with a multimedia web gallery of resources.
The topics to be covered by the event include understanding the Historical Origins of Hinduphobia, contemporary Manifestations of Hinduphobia, and the impact of Hinduphobia on Hindu Americans.
Eminent speakers such as Professor Meenakshi Jain, Dr. Indu Vishwanathan, Parth Parihar, Professor Arvind Sharma, Professor Jeffery Long, and Vishal Ganesan would be addressing the conference.
Those interested may register for the event here.
(Featured Image Source: Rutgers HSC Twitter Page)
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