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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hinduphobics target NASA intern for images of Hindu deities on her desk

American space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) recently put up images of some of their interns while inviting applications for NASA’s fall internships. It is, however, the unapologetic Hindu Bharatiya American NASA intern Pratima Roy’s image that caused heartburn among Hinduphobics leading to their meltdown.

The photograph shared by NASA shows Roy with images and murtis of Hindu deities on her desk and wall. Following this, the NASA intern was subject to Hinduphobic attacks by Lutyenites, Islamists, Christian supremacists, and Neo-Ambedkarites whose hatred for Hindu Dharma is well-known.

The attack was led by Hinduphobic Ashok Swain who has since deleted his tweet. Swain questioned the need for Hindu kids to be surrounded by Hindu deities. He also wanted to know why NASA had selected that particular picture.

PC: OpIndia

The official handle of a forum named Mission Ambedkar said that NASA had destroyed science after seeing Hindu imagery boldly displayed by Roy.

The uncharitable comments were strewn with the usual Hinduphobic references to sanghis, Prabhu Sri Ram, and the like. One Neo-Ambedkarite even went on to blame Roy’s parents and grandparents for her unapologetic Hindu attitude.

PC: OpIndia

Even though the Hinduphobics have been lamenting about “scientific temper”, the fact remains that their rants have got less to do with scientific temper being “compromised” and more with Roy’s unapologetic attitude of taking pride in her Hindu roots. As far as competence is concerned, the NASA intern has certainly acquired the honor on her own merits that is probably another reason for her attackers suffering a meltdown.

Unlike Abrahamic religions in general and Christianity in particular where science and religion are opposed to each other, science draws its strength from religion in Hindu Dharma. A study of Bharat’s history shows how rishis developed the various sciences on their path of spiritual progress. In contrast, the Church has a long history of persecuting those with a scientific bend of mind.

We would, however, never see those attacking the young NASA intern commenting on the lack of scientific temper in Abrahamic religions. The attack comes at a time when the issue of academic Hinduphobia in the West has come to the fore.

Recently, the Rutgers University student body became the first in America to recognize and define Hinduphobia. The move came in the wake of Hindu student Rashmi Samant being subjected to Hindumisic attacks and bullied to resign after she won the Oxford Students Union election.

Faith is a personal matter and what Roy wants to keep on her desk is purely her choice. Hinduphobics have no business to dictate what she must or must not keep on her study table and walls.

(Featured Image Source: OpIndia)

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