Murtis of a Chola era temple have been vandalised in Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu. A devotee who went to the temple was shocked to find all the murtis in the temple in a beheaded state. He lodged a complaint with the local police later.
The Kailasanathar temple in KizhNanchur, a village in Pudukkottai is said to belong to the era of Kulothunga Chola III. With Shiva as the presiding deity, the temple houses other deities such as Ganesha, Parvathi, Murugan, Krishna and Nandi. All of these murtis were discovered in a beheaded state 2 days ago.
Atrocious! Antisocial elements have desecrated vigrahams in Keezhananjur Shiva temple in Pudukottai district, TN. This temple was built by Kulothunga Chola II. @CMOTamilnadu Please take strict action against the perpetrators.
— Saigeetha (@Saigeet36566874) June 21, 2021
Allegedly there is a dispute between two archakas as to who has the right to perform priestly duties. Due to this dispute the temple was neglected. Without proper maintenance it is in a dilapidated state now. As the temple’s doors were always open, some anti-social elements are said to have taken advantage of it and committed the heinous act of beheading the heads of the murtis.
As all the murtis are beheaded it appears to be a motivated attack and devotees have requested police to find the perpetrators as soon as possible. Devotees fear that with a Hindu hating party in power anti-Hindu elements have become emboldened.
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