“No branches without roots — An understanding of Hindu social structure from the outside In — Part I”, India Facts, June 21, 2022:
“Separation causes blindness. In America, the urban legend goes, that when school children are asked where milk comes from, they all answer, “From the milk bottle.”
But let’s go even further, as a recent WhatsApp forward reminds us: If you believe that cows give milk, you are wrong. Cows don’t “give” milk, milk is the result of millennia of cattle domestication by humans, centuries of breeding, generations of getting up at 4 am, cleaning out the go-shaalas, protecting the cows from disease and ticks, squeezing the last bit of water and green from the summer heat in order to keep the cattle alive until the next monsoon… day after day… year after year. All of that is what is in our ice-creams… not just milk. And certainly not just milk that the cow “gave” us!
An understanding of inter-relationships and the terms that govern those inter-relationships is an essential component of the world of subsistence that all of our ancestors lived in hardly two generations ago. Ironically, today, in this world of surplus, where we are more connected than ever before, we know less and less about our inter-relationships…..”
Read the full article at Indiafacts.com