“India’s booming halal economy confronts a problem”, Sunday Guardian Live, May 21, 2023:
“Bharat’s halal economy and its unique mode of certification could come under the government’s scanner because the Food and Safety Standards Authority of India issues similar certificates. “Why should there be two modes of certification?”, claim petitions made by various organisations to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The petitions further say this dual certification creates a serious issue of duplication. This reporter has seen some of the petitions made by various organisations to the Ministry. At the same time, others have been pointing to the need for government to ensure that the non-official certification agencies work in a manner independent of vested interests. They say that standards need to be maintained in the interests of tens of millions of users of halal items in India.
In Bharat, halal certificates are issued by the Halal Council of India. Ministry officials, it is reliably learnt, are looking into the issue of whether a nation should have certification by two separate bodies, with the latter being wholly unsupervised….”
Read the full article at Sundayguardianlive.com