Residences of five accused in the Kerala Gold Smuggling Case were raided in Kerala’s Mallapuram and Kozhikode districts by the NIA (National Investigation Agency) yesterday. Searches were conducted at the houses of Mohamed Aslam, Abdul Latheef, Nazarudheen Sha, Ramzan P., and Muhammed Mansoor who have been accused of helping those already arrested in relation to this case and facilitating the smuggling of gold through cargo shipments. The NIA seized electronic items and documents during the raids.
The NIA press release says:
- Today (20.11.2020), NIA conducted searches at five locations in Mallapuram and Kozhikode districts of Kerala in the Kerala Gold Smuggling Case pertaining to the seizure of 30 Kg gold worth Rs. 14.82 Crores on 5th July 2020 at Trivandrum International Airport from the baggage addressed to the UAE Consulate at Thiruvananthapuram.
- The searches were conducted at the residences of 5 accused persons viz. Mohamed Aslam, Abdul Latheef, Nazarudheen Sha, Ramzan P., and Muhammed Mansoor. These accused persons conspired with the already arrested accused and facilitated the smuggling of gold through import cargo addressed to the UAE Consulate General, and its disposal.
- During searches, several electronic items and documents have been seized.
- So far, 21 accused have been arrested in the case.
- Further investigation in the case is continued.
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