“Karnataka: Islamists thrashed Hindu man for having snacks with a burqa-clad woman”, Organiser, May 26, 2023:
“Islamic vigilantes these days are raiding public spaces be it markets, restaurants or even roads to track burqa-clad women with Hindu men. These people impart ‘Deeni’ knowledge to the woman with slurs of ‘Jannat and Jahannum’. They abuse the woman for choosing a Kaffir over Deeni-Muslim.
Well, Islamic intellectuals claim that these are cases of fake propaganda called as ‘Bhagwa Love Trap’ and clerics have accused Hindu organisations, especially Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) of providing training to Hindu men for trapping a Muslim woman.
In a recent case from Karnataka, Times Now posted a video of a Burqa-clad woman sitting at a restaurant with a Hindu man. They were having food at the outlet and soon Islamists spotted them, they confronted and later attacked the duo….”
Read the full article at Organiser.org