In a recent report surfacing from Piplod area in Gujarat’s Surat, two youth have allegedly attempted to blow up a petrol pump by flinging burning firecrackers. This incident took place on Monday, November 1, at 5:50 PM and has been captured on CCTV camera that clearly shows these two men arriving at the petrol pump on a scooter.
The rider at the front of the scooter got down to get fuel filled. The pillion rider in the yellow jacket continues sitting throughout. As they are leaving, we see that the pillion rider lights a firework and flicks it towards the fuel dispenser.
A major tragedy was averted because of the quick action of the petrol pump staff who immediately pushed the burning cracker away from the fuel pipe.
The manager of the petrol pump, Motilal Chaudhary, has lodged a formal complaint against the miscreants at the Umra police station. The youth have been booked under sections 285, 286, 336 and 114 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for putting the lives of people in jeopardy.
Mohammad Irfan Qureshi, the owner of the scooter, has been picked up by police.
India is gradually sliding into the hands of extremist Muslims. Sooner or later, it will be another Pakistan or Afghanistan where there is no peace, security, and trust. Communal violence, terroist attacks will hold sway, destabilizing Indian economy and integrity. Surprisingly, there is no outcry and protest from any Muslim country when Muslim extremists perpetrate such crimes or wage attack on people of other religion.