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G7 Meet: Bharat should cooperate but avoid co-option in the pro-west club


Two important global events which took place within a week of each other this month: the G7 and the virtually held BRICS summit represent a microcosm of the trends reshaping global geopolitics.

The recently concluded G7 meet in Germany and the virtually held 14th BRICS summit evince why the West may be adapting to accommodate the global South, particularly Bharat, at a time when the chinks in the armour of both BRICS and the G7 are glaring.

While the BRICS faces an elusive unified position on issues with both subtle and stark differences between member countries on various issues including counterterrorism, the G7 has diminishing influence in the global south. These trends have intensified in the face of lingering pandemic-induced disruptions and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Straddling both major multilateral organisations places Bharat stands at a unique vantage point, bridging the necessities of the global South with the compulsions of the global north.

The recently concluded G7 meet in Germany and the virtually held 14th BRICS summit evince why the West may be adapting to accommodate the global South, particularly Bharat, at a time when the chinks in the armour of both BRICS and the G7 are glaring. While the BRICS faces an elusive unified position on issues with both subtle and stark differences between member countries on various issues including counterterrorism, the G7 has diminishing influence in the global south. These trends have intensified in the face of lingering pandemic-induced disruptions and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

Straddling both major multilateral organisations places Bharat stands at a unique vantage point, bridging the necessities of the global South with the compulsions of the global north.

The supply of energy and trade connectivity with Asia have gained further salience for the West in the light of the disruptive constraints imposed by an active conflict in Europe. This realisation is undergirded by the post-pandemic realisation that concentration of supply chains in any one country or region may lead to long lasting disruptions for the rest of the world. As a result we have seen a host of economic-strategic initiatives by the West, particularly led by the US, aiming to not just establish predictable supply chains but a regional collective seeking to maintain a favourable balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region. The reference point, of course, is China which is speeding ahead in this region in terms of building naval power and driving economic stakes.

At the strategic level, the US decision to launch the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) at this year’s G7 summit is in the same direction. Building further on the launch of the IPEF, the PGII has sought to “deliver game-changing projects to close the infrastructure gap in developing countries, strengthen the global economy and supply chains, and advance US national security.”

Bharat’s participation in both the major global events showcased opportunities and challenges ahead. While the BRICS summit showed that differences persist between group members on issues of counterterrorism and global governance, the G7 provided a credible platform to realign some priorities for Bharat in the light of strategic compulsions and changing priorities as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Bharat’s rising economic profile and a resilient economy have ensured that it is now a regular invitee to the G7 summits.

However, Bharat should avoid the ‘G8 trap’ for now, even if a formal invitation to join the G7 may become a reality in the near future. Since 2014, when Russia was evicted from the grouping, the G8 has functioned as G7. The Russia-Ukraine war may have created compulsions on the West to co-opt Bharat in the group. It will serve New Delhi’s interests better if its Indo-Pacific commitments are kept distinct from a collective western agenda that may not serve its own interests. In steering clear of the doubling-down sanctions on Russia imposed during the G7 meet in Germany, Bharat did just that.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with minor edits to conform to HinduPost style-guide.)

नीदरलैंड्स में किसान आन्दोलन में पुलिस ने चलाई गोली! कहाँ हैं “नो फार्मर – नो फ़ूड” कहने वाला पश्चिमी मीडिया?


भारत में किसान आन्दोलन के दौरान जिस प्रकार पश्चिमी मीडिया ने भारत सरकार के विरुद्ध अभियान चलाया था, वह अभूतपूर्व था! नागरिकता संशोधन अधिनियम के विरोध में हुए आन्दोलन में भारत की छवि को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर दूषित करने के बाद यह एक और अवसर था! इसमें हमने देखा कि कैसे अचानक से ही कई twitter हैंडल से नो फार्मर नो फ़ूड अर्थात किसान नहीं तो भोजन नहीं के नारे उभरने लगे थे!

भारत विरोधी ट्वीट्स की बाढ़ आ गयी थी और देखते ही देखते ऐसा वातावरण बन गया था कि जैसे पूरे भारत के किसान इस आन्दोलन के समर्थन में हैं, जबकि बाद में रिपोर्ट में पता चला था कि कैसे 86% किसान संगठन इन कानूनों से खुश थे!

परन्तु तब तक कानून रद्द हो चुके थे, अत: लाभ नहीं हुआ! फिर भी यह प्रश्न तो उठता ही है कि क्या वास्तव में पश्चिमी मीडिया को मानवाधिकारों की इतनी चिंता है जितनी चिंता उन्हें भारत में चल रहे किसान आन्दोलन में लग रही थी? यह प्रश्न इसलिए उठ रहा है कि भारत में किसान आन्दोलन की ही तर्ज पर हमने देखा था कि कनाडा में ट्रक चालकों ने आन्दोलन किया था! जिसमें अपनी बात कहने के लिए वहां के ट्रक चालकों ने शहर का उसी प्रकार घेराव किया था जैसे दिल्ली का घेराव किया गया था!

परन्तु जब उसका दमन किया जा रहा था, तो वही पश्चिमी मीडिया मानवाधिकारों पर शांत रहा, जो हर रोज भारत में सूक्ष्मदर्शी लेकर मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन खोजता रहता है! किसान आन्दोलन में हो रहे महिला शोषण पर जो पश्चिमी मीडिया मौन रहा था, वही पश्चिमी मीडिया अब एक बार फिर से अपने दोहरे चरित्र को लेकर सामने आया है, जब नीदरलैंड में किसानों का आन्दोलन चल रहा है और कहीं पर भी “नो फार्मर न फ़ूड” का नारा नहीं लग रहा है!

पीटर स्वीडन ने ट्वीट किया कि 6 जुलाई को डच पुलिस ने आन्दोलन करने वाले किसानों में से एक ऐसे किसान पर गोली चलाई जो अपना ट्रैक्टर चला रहा था:

इसी बात को लेकर एक और व्यक्ति ने ट्वीट किया कि भारत में किसान आन्दोलन के समय पश्चिमी मीडिया ने कैसे कवरेज किया था, तो वहीं नीदरलैंड्स में जो कुछ भी हो रहा है, क्या वह मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन नहीं है?

वहां पर लोगों को मारा जा रहा है, परन्तु मानवाधिकार की बात करने वाले एक भी गैर सरकारी संगठन इस समय इस पूरे आन्दोलन को कवर नहीं कर रहे हैं! वहां पर मानवाधिकार की कोई बात हो ही नहीं रही है! भारत का मीडिया भी यह बात नहीं बता रहा है कि कैसे पोलैंड, इटली और जर्मनी के भी किसान डच किसानों के साथ आकर कदमताल कर रहे हैं, और पूरे यूरोप में किसान आन्दोलन चल रहा है, परन्तु भारत का भी मीडिया इस विषय में बात नहीं कर रहा है!

नीदरलैंड के किसान आन्दोलन के लोग भी प्रश्न कर रहे हैं कि नीदरलैंड में किसान आन्दोलन, मीडिया शांत!

वहीं इटली में भी किसानों ने आन्दोलन आरम्भ कर दिया है!

वहीं लोग वीडियो साझा कर रहे हैं कि जहाँ किसान आन्दोलन कर रहे हैं, राजनेता पार्टी कर रहे हैं:

यह देखना अत्यंत हैरान करने वाला है कि कैसे पश्चिमी मीडिया के लिए मापदंड भारत के लिए अलग हैं और अपने लिए एकदम अलग! भारत में किसान आन्दोलन के दौरान न जाने कितने हजार करोड़ रूपए का नुकसान हुआ और साथ ही आम लोग इस आन्दोलन के कारण कितने परेशान होते रहे, इन सब बातों पर ध्यान दिए बिना विदेशी एनजीओ, वहां पर आराम करते किसानों, वहां के पीजा आदि की तस्वीरें दिखा दिखाकर इस देश की आत्मा को आहत करते रहे!

विदेश से यदि किसी कार्य के लिए राशि मिल रही है, तो वह देश के भले के लिए तो होगी नहीं, यह तो निश्चित है! परन्तु भारत का लिबरल जगत उन दिनों किसान आन्दोलन में हो रहे अपराधों पर भी आँखें मूंदे था, फिर चाहे वह लड़की का बलात्कार और हत्या हो या फिर कथित बेअदबी के नाम पर हत्या या फिर आम लोगों को होने वाली परेशानी!

विदेशी मीडिया ने किसान आन्दोलन और कोरोना की दूसरी लहर के बीच भारत को बदनाम करने का हर संभव प्रयास किया, परन्तु भारत को तो बदनाम नहीं किया जा सका क्योंकि कोरोना की दूसरी लहर के दौरान जहां एक ओर किसान आन्दोलन भी चल रहा था तो वहीं बिना पूछे कोरोना में प्राण गंवाने वाले लोगों और उनके परिवारों की तस्वीरें, रोती-बिलखती तस्वीरें बेची जा रही थीं, विदेशी मीडिया भारत की इस स्थिति को ऐसे बेच रहा था जैसे पश्चिम में कुछ हो ही नहीं रहा है!

जबकि आंकड़े कुछ और ही कह रहे थे! आंकड़ों पर बात नहीं की गयी!

औपनिवेशिक मानसिकता से ग्रस्त पश्चिम का मीडिया

भारत में किसान आन्दोलन के दौरान ग्रेटा का टूलकिट भी पकड़ा गया था, और पता चला था कि यह षड्यंत्र कितना गहरा था! परन्तु फिर भी जो पश्चिमी मीडिया था, उसका दृष्टिकोण भारत के प्रति वही रहा, जो एक औपनिवेशिक मानसिकता से भरे किसी भी संस्थान का हो सकता था!

भारत को नीचा दिखाया गया, भारत को अलोकतांत्रिक देश घोषित करने का प्रयास किया गया, जबकि नागरिकता संशोधन आधिनियम एवं कृषि कानूनों के खिलाफ हुए आन्दोलनों में से एक भी आन्दोलन में सरकार ने लाठी चार्ज तक भी नहीं किया था, फिर भी यह कहकर प्रचारित किया गया कि भारत में लोगों को बोलने की आजादी नहीं है!

यह कहा गया कि भारत में आन्दोलन नहीं कर सकते!

किसान आन्दोलन के नाम पर हिन्दुओं को, भाजपा को गालियाँ पड़ती रहीं, परन्तु सरकार ने और समाज में संयम का परिचय दिया! फिर भी भारत को फासीवादी देश घोषित कर दिया गया, और वही पश्चिमी मीडिया नीदरलैंड, इटली, स्पेन आदि में हो रहे इतने विशाल प्रदर्शन पर बात भी नहीं कर रहा है?

यह पश्चिमी मीडिया के साथ भारत की लुटियन मीडिया का भी दोगला व्यवहार है, जो गोरे लोगों को अपना उद्धारक मान रहा था और गोरे लोगों के गरीब लोगों के आन्दोलन को इसलिए नहीं दिखा रहा है क्योंकि उसके गोरे मालिकों पर कोई आंच न जाए!

यूरोप में चल रहे किसान आन्दोलन के विषय में मानवाधिकार संगठनों एवं भारत के मीडिया की चुप्पी बहुत कुछ कहती है और उनकी गुलाम मानसिकता को पूरी तरह से बताती है!

The West is out of touch with reality


For months the Western propaganda machine told us Russia had miscalculated, faced military humiliation, would suffer a huge economic crisis, and Putin would fall. Then the non-stop triumphalism began to wane, news became scarce. From wall to wall coverage, the BBC fell silent.

In fact, the West has miscalculated on an epic scale with the most profound and far-reaching consequences. How could the West have got it so wrong? Because they think the world is still somehow dominated by the West as it was for so long. That is history not the present.

This has been an extraordinary demonstration of how out of touch the US and Europe now are with the rest of the world (ie, the great majority of countries). Most do not share the Western view of the war. Bharat has refused to do the West’s bidding. ASEAN and China likewise.

The rise of the developing world over the last 40 years has transformed the world. It is independent-minded and often leans towards China. The voice of the West matters less and less. And yet the West seems incapable – both right and left – of recognising this.

Russia will not be defeated but Ukraine will be. The West misled it. At the very least it will be dismembered. The Western defeat in Ukraine will join Iraq, Afghanistan and the 2008 financial crisis as famous landmarks in Western decline.

Europe’s economy will shrink. Living standards will fall sharply. Europe will be riven with divisions. Governments will fall. The continent faces very dark times. The crisis will hasten Europe’s growing marginality. It will pay a huge price for its Atlanticist turn.

A prisoner of ways of thinking that belong to a previous era of Western dominance, the West inhabits a world that no longer exists. The West has its front to the past and its back to the future. It is out of time. And every miscalculation it makes only accelerates its decline.

This article has been compiled from the tweet thread originally tweeted by Martin Jacques (@martjacques) on July 5, 2022.

Pastor (53) arrested for sexually assaulting minor girl: TN


A 53-year-old Pastor has been arrested by the Coimbatore (Rural) police from Chettipalayam for allegedly sexually assaulting a 17-year-old minor girl. He has been booked under POCSO Act and remanded to judicial custody.

A report by The Hindu in this regard notes:

Two persons, including a self-proclaimed pastor, were arrested by the Coimbatore District (Rural) Police on charges of sexually assaulting two minor girls in separate incidents.

In the first case, a 53-year-old pastor from Chettipalayam was arrested for alleged sexual assault on a 17-year-old girl, the police said. The girl and her younger siblings were living with her grandmother in a village near Chettipalayam. Their parents often traveled to different places in connection with their work. According to the police, the accused used a rented house next to that of the girl’s house to hold prayer meetings. On Saturday, the accused sexually assaulted the girl when her grandmother had gone to a shop.

A team led by All Women Police Station (AWPS) – Perur, Inspector S. Amutha arrested the accused for offenses under Sections 7 (sexual assault) and 8 (punishment for sexual assault) of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. He was produced before a judge and remanded in judicial custody.

In the second case, the AWPS – Pollachi arrested a 58-year-old man for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl. The accused was identified as N. Kanagamani, who ran a utensils shop at Pollachi. Kanagamani was arrested for offenses under Sections 7 and 8 of the POCSO Act. He was remanded in judicial custody. 

How the glory of MP’s Bateshwar temple complex was restored by ASI in dacoit-infested Morena

temple idol stolen

Bharat has several ancient temples which are standalone and also vast complexes housing several of these worship places. Among these Madhya Pradesh’s Bateshwar temple complex located in Morena district stands out as it has more than 200 temples dedicated to Bhagwan Shiva, Vishnu and Goddess Shakti – representing the three major traditions of Hindu Dharma.

While the temples are by and large small, they are spread out in more than 25 acres and were built between the 9th and the 11th Century by the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty in a style of North Bharatiya temples named after them. The complex came to be named after the Bhuteshvar temple – the largest temple dedicated to Bhagwan Shiva at the site.

Explaining the significance of complex, well-known archaeologist K.K. Muhammed who retired as the Regional Director, North of Archaeological Survey of India and headed the restoration work of these temples, told India Narrative: “This site has the largest number of temples which is 200 or even more if we count those around the complex. Apart from this, Aihole temple complex in Karnataka has 108 temples. As the temples at Bateshwar are dedicated to varied denominations – Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Shakti and also Hanumanji – makes it an important site.”

Some of the interesting aspects of this complex include reliefs depicting Lord Shiva holding the hand of Goddess Parvati and those narrating the marriage of Shiva and Parvati with Lord Vishnu and Brahma attending it; Nataraja on the Kritimukha or the Face of Glory — the fierce monster with huge fangs and gaping mouth who is considered symbol of Lord Shiva; friezes with interesting narratives from Bhagavata Purana; and sculptures of women playing musical instruments and men wrestling lions and riding elephants among others.

Between 2004 and 2012, the ASI team led by Muhammed started the restoration of these temples. On reaching the site, he and his team found it in shambles and smithereens.

Sharing his experience with India Narrative, Muhammed said: “It was a like jigsaw puzzle on a gigantic scale. Fortunately, unlike other sites where the broken parts of the temple are missing or destroyed, here because of the dacoits, they had remained untouched — in its pristine purity. We cleared the forest which had grown there and the mounds of debris and sorted the parts and matched them. A few standing temples were a great help while we also used Vastu Shastra and consulted treaties on temple architecture like Manasara and Mayamata.”

According to Muhammed it was a tedious and back-breaking job requiring immense patience.

The ASI is not new in restoring the lost glory of temple complexes in Bharat and abroad. Between 1986-93, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) restored the famous Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia at Angkor Wat. That work done under extremely stressful conditions. The temple area was thickly forested. Anti-government Khmer Rouge forces were present creating an atmosphere of fear. Devinder Singh Sood was the ASI team leader in Siem Reap which restored parts of Angkor Wat.

For Muhammed restoration of Bateshwar complex is very close to his heart. “On reaching the site I could feel a vibration. It was like Lord Shiva calling the innermost recesses of my heart. I knew I had to do the work, irrespective of all the obstacles.”

The work was compounded by the presence of several notorious gangs of dacoits in Morena area. Again, Muhammed rose to the challenge getting in touch with them through intermediaries. “Initially they were sceptical about a Muslim heading the restoration project of temples but once I gained their confidence, they assured all help which was basically non-interference with our staff and their movement.”

It was this passion and dedication of Muhammed and his team that saw restoration of 80 temples by ASI.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with minor edits to conform to HinduPost style-guide.)

Amarnath Yatra temporarily suspended after 15 killed in cloudburst


Rescue operation was resumed at the Amarnath cave shrine on Saturday where 15 people were killed and over 40 injured in a cloudburst Friday evening.

Authorities have temporarily suspended the Yatra from both Baltal and Pahalgam base camps.

Teams of NDRF, SDRF, BSF, CRPF, Army, police and ITBP resumed rescue operation with the first light on Saturday morning, officials said.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Ganderbal district, Afroza Shah has told reporters that 15 people have died and over 40 injured in Friday’s flash flood triggered by the cloudburst. She said five people were rescued alive from the debris of the flash flood.

The operation to ascertain the exact number of casualties, injuries and missing persons is still going on.

Reports from the disaster site said 25 to 30 tents of the pilgrims and five ‘Langars’ (Community Kitchens) were washed away in the high-speed muddy slush triggered by the cloudburst that occurred around 5.30 p.m. Friday.

The Army has pressed helicopters into service to assist the civil administration in relief and rescue operations. Army said that the rescue operations by security forces continued throughout the night.

MeT department has forecast that another cloud is moving towards the Baltal-Holy cave route which is likely to cause light to moderate rainfall.

“Flash flood/shooting stone may occur at vulnerable places. Please remain alert,” the forecast said.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

थूक जिहाद और विक्टिम कार्ड – हिन्दुओं को प्रताड़ित करने और उन पर वर्चस्व स्थापित करने के लिए जिहादियों के हथकंडे

Picture Source - Rediffmail

कोरोना काल में कई ऐसे वीडियो उभर कर आए थे, जिनमें लोग रोटियों आदि में थूक रहे थे, कोई फलों पर तो कोई सब्जियों पर थूक रहा था। कट्टर इस्लामिस्ट तत्वों की कई गतिविधियाँ ऐसी थीं, जो प्रत्यक्ष रूप से बहुसंख्यक समाज अर्थात हिन्दुओं के प्रति अपमानजनक थी और अभी भी कुछ लोग इन्हें कर रहे हैं! वह कई कार्य मात्र अपनी हुकूमत साबित करने या फिर कहें कि अपने मजहबी वर्चस्व को स्थापित करने के लिए करते हैं।

आज इस लेख में हम आपको कुछ ऐसे ही तौर तरीके बताएँगे जो कट्टर इस्लामिक तत्व अपनाते हैं, ताकि बहुसंख्यक समुदाय पर लगातार दबाव बनाया जा सके।

जान से मारने की धमकी देकर बाद में पीड़ित होने का कार्ड खेलना

बिहार के अररिया जिले में एक विद्यालय में एक आश्चर्यजनक घटना घटी। जोकीहाट प्रखंड के अंतर्गत भगवानपुर पंचायत के उत्क्रमित मध्य विद्यालय में मंगलवार को शिक्षक बच्चों को पढ़ा रहे थे, तभी एक लुंगी पहने हुए एक व्यक्ति तलवार लहराता हुआ स्कूल में प्रवेश कर गया। उसने विद्यालय के अध्यापको को अपशब्द कहना शुरू कर दिया, लोगों के विरोध करने पर उसने शिक्षकों को तलवार से मारने की धमकी भी दी। इस घटना का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर लोग वायरल कर रहे है।

सूत्रों के अनुसार इस व्यक्ति के बच्चे इसी विद्यालय में पढ़ते हैं, लेकिन अब तक बच्चों को किताब और यूनिफॉर्म की राशि नहीं मिल पाई। इस कारण गुस्सा होकर वह तलवार लेकर स्कूल पहुंच गया और टीचरों को गाली-गलौज करते हुए जान से मारने की धमकी देने लगा। इतना ही नहीं धमकी भी दी कि उनके बच्चे को 24 घंटे के अंदर पैसा चाहिए, हालांकि स्कूल के शिक्षकों का कहना है कि वह और अधिक राशि की मांग कर रहा था।

आरोपी का नाम मोहम्‍मद अकबर है, जिसका स्कूल के हेडमास्टर से पुराना विवाद है। अकबर ने बताया कि जमीन विवाद में टीचर ने उस पर केस भी किया है। स्कूल के हेडमास्टर ने जोकीहाट के बीईओ को इस घटना की जानकारी दी और इस विषय पर कड़ी कार्यवाही करने की विनती भी की। वीडियो वायरल होते ही अकबर ने अजीबोगरीब कहानी सुनानी शुरी कर दी, उसने कहा कि कुछ दिन पहले जब हेडमास्टर अंडा खरीद रहे थे, तब उसने मजाक में ही उनसे अंडा लेना चाहा, इस बात से कुपित हो कर हेडमास्टर ने उसको छूरी दिखाई।

इसी बात से गुस्सा हो अकबर ने पोशाक राशि का बहाना बना कर विद्यालय में तलवार ला कर हंगामा किया। जोकीहाट थाना पुलिस ने इस संबंध में कहा है कि वह विद्यालय द्वारा लिखित शिकायत मिलने पर उचित कार्यवाही जरूर करेंगे। यहां आप देख सकते हैं कि कैसे बिना बात के अकबर ने विद्यालय में तलवार लहरा कर सभी को डराने की कोशिश की, बाद में उसका वीडियो सामने आने पर उसने झूठी कहानी गढ़ ली और अपने आप को ही पीड़ित बताना शुरू कर दिया।

काफिरों के विरुद्ध थूक जिहाद

ऐसा प्रतीत हो रहा है जैसे थूक लगाने वाली घटनाएं अब दिनों दिन और बढ़ रही हैं। पहले रोटी, फिर फलों और फिर और वस्तुओं पर थूक लगाकर हिन्दुओं को दिया गया। जून माह में एक ऐसी चीज में थूक मिलाकर बेचा गया था, जिसके विषय में सोचा भी नहीं जा सकता था।

कर्नाटक में बंगलुरु में खाने के पूरे सामान पर नयाज़ पाशा नामक व्यक्ति थूकता पाया गया था। लोगों ने आरोप लगाया था कि पॉपकॉर्न की दुकान चलाने वाला पाशा पॉपकॉर्न के तेल में ही थूकता था। घटना का वीडियो भी वायरल हुआ था

मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के अनुसार 21 वर्ष का नयाज पॉपकॉर्न बनाते समय तेल में थूक रहा था। उसे ऐसा करते हुए एक व्यक्ति ने देख लिया। जब उसने उसे रोका तो नयाज ने उस व्यक्ति के साथ झगड़ा आरम्भ कर दिया। मामले का पता लगने के बाद पुलिस वहां पहुँचीं और नयाज को हिरासत में लिया।

इसके बाद पुलिस ने स्वत: संज्ञान लेते हुए आईपीसी की धारा 269 के अंतर्गत मामला दर्ज किया था।

5 जुलाई 2022 को बिजनौर पुलिस ने भी अरबाज नामक व्यक्ति को रोटियों में थूक लगाने के आरोप में गिरफ्तार किया था। इस घटना का भी वीडियो वायरल हुआ था और जैसे ही वीडियो वायरल हुआ था वैसे ही पुलिस ने संज्ञान लेते हुए मामले की जांच करनी आरम्भ कर दी थी। वीडियो की पुष्टि की गयी, होटल के कर्मचारियों को पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया गया, एवं जांच के बाद पुलिस ने आरोपित अरबाज के विरुद्ध आईपीसी की धारा 269/270 के अंतर्गत मुकदमा दर्ज किया और महामारी एक्ट के अंतर्गत उसे जेल भेजा गया!

इन घटनाओं से यह समझना अत्यंत कठिन है कि आखिर यह सब क्यों किया जा रहा है? ऐसा नहीं है कि इस कृत्य की क़ानून के अनुसार सजा नहीं मिल रही है? सजा भी मिल रही है, गिरफ्तार किया जा रहा है जैसे इस मामले में पुलिस ने ट्वीट किया:

परन्तु फिर भी इन घटनाओं की वृद्धि पर हैरानी ही होती है!

हिन्दुओं को धर्म अनुपालन भी नहीं करने देते

सुदर्शन न्यूज़ ने एक और वीडियो प्रस्तुत किया है, जो दिल्ली के सुल्तानपुरी का है। इसमें एक हिन्दू परिवार को दिखाया गया है, जो अपने पडोसी मुसलमानो के कारण त्रस्त है। वीडियो में हिन्दू युवती अपने माता पिता के साथ अपनी व्यथा सुना रही है। युवती के अनुसार इनके घर के सामने एक बबलू खान रहता है, जिसे इनके घर में हनुमान चालीसा चलने से दिक्कत होती है।

युवती ने बताया कि यह कट्टर जिहादी लोग उन्हें धमकियां देते हैं, और कई बार इनसे हाथापाई भी कर चुके हैं। कुछ ही महीनों पहले उन लोगो ने युवती की माताजी की पिटाई भी की थी। हिन्दू परिवार ने इस मामले की शिकायत पुलिस को की थी, जिसके बाद मुख्य आरोपी बबलू खान फरार हो गया था। उसके पश्चात उसका परिवार इन्हे धमकाता रहता है। पिछले ही दिनों बबलू खान की बीवी ने हिन्दू परिवार को हनुमान चालीसा बन करने को कहा, और ना करने पर उनका हाल भी उदयपुर के कन्हैया लाल जैसा करने की धमकी दी।

आप देख सकते हैं, कि पुलिस को शिकायत करने का भी कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा, उल्टा परिवार के कुछ लोगो ने यह मोहल्ला ही छोड़ दिया है। इस लेख में आप जिहादियों के अलग अलग रंग देख सकते हैं, कैसे यह लोग अपने आप को पीड़ित बता कर प्रचारित करते हैं, लेकिन अवसर मिलने पर यह हिन्दुओं को डरने धमकाने का प्रयास भी करते हैं।

ये कुछ घटनाएँ जिहादी तत्वों या कहें कट्टर इस्लामिस्ट तत्वों के मन में हिन्दुओं या कहें काफिरों के प्रति बसी हुई गहरी घृणा को दिखाती हैं!

Rishi Sunak third favourite to succeed Johnson, but there’s no sign he will run


Ben Wallace, who was the Secretary of State for Defence in underfire British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government and is still holding the portfolio as a caretaker, has emerged as a possible favourite in an opinion poll to succeed Johnson.

Bowing to the inevitable after mass resignations across his government, including that of top Cabinet ministers, Johnson on Thursday announced he is stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party, but will remain the UK Prime Minister till his replacement is chosen.

The BBC reported: “A YouGov poll of 716 Conservative party members placed Ben Wallace just ahead of Penny Mordaunt, who was followed by Rishi Sunak.”

The sample was small and therefore the response is not entirely reliable. At the same time, the findings are not unexpected.

Wallace did his prospects no harm in handling the situation arising out of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mordaunt is Minister of State for International Trade in the outgoing government. Her name has, though, been doing the rounds for some time. She is said to have support among a section of the rank and file as well as Members of Parliament.

Sunak, who is of Indian origin, was in surveys earlier in the year being touted as a front-runner for the PM’s post.

But after he introduced taxes to reduce the borrowings caused by bailing out lives and livelihoods during the Covid-19 pandemic, his popularity was dented. A controversy over his Indian wife’s tax affairs further damaged his reputation. There is no certainty that he will put himself up for the test.

The YouGov poll put Wallace’s support at 13 per cent, Mordaunt’s at 12 per cent and Sunak’s at 10 per cent. They are followed by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss at 8 per cent; Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove and Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab at 7 per cent; Tom Tugendhat, Chair of the House of Commons’ Foreign Affairs Committee, at 6 per cent; Jeremy Hunt, former Foreign and Health Secretary who lost the leadership contest to Johnson three years ago, at 6 per cent; Nadhim Zahawi, who took over as Chancellor of Exchequer after Sunak’s resignation and is of Kurdish background, at 5 per cent; former Health Secretary Sajid Javid, who is of Pakistani descent, at 4 per cent; Priti Patel, who is of East African Indian extraction, at 3 per cent; and Steve Barclay, who was Johnson’s Chief of Staff, at 1 per cent.

Twelve per cent of the respondents said ‘None of the above’, while 9 per cent reacted by saying ‘Don’t know’.

Interestingly, Suella Fernandes Braverman, who is also of Indian heritage and had announced she would throw her hat into the ring on BBC Radio, did not elicit any support.

The intentions of others were until Thursday afternoon not officially known. However, Truss, who was in Indonesia attending the G20 foreign ministers’ conference, decided to cut short her participation and rush back to, reportedly, organise her campaign.

Under Conservative Party rules, a candidate needs the support of at least eight fellow MPs to contest. If there are more than two candidates, the Conservative parliamentary party holds elimination votes until just two runners remains. At that point, a ballot among the entire Conservative Party membership decides the winner.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

Are current Bharatiya laws sufficient to tame Twitter in changed digital landscape?

Image: IANS

With Twitter once again taking Bharatiya government to court, the debate has reignited over insufficient IT laws — demanding the clearance of new IT Rules, 2021 as soon as possible — to tame Big Tech and penalise them if found not complying with the law of the land, amid a completely changed digital landscape from two decades ago.

When the IT Act, 2000 was passed, there was no social media presence. Today, platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are dictating the public discourse and being used for disseminating fake news and trolls from across the spectrum.

The Information Technology Act, 2000, which got amended only in 2008, is neither a data privacy law nor a data protection law.

In such a scenario, is its Section 69A sufficient to book social media biggies and even penalise them for not complying with the government content blocking orders, especially when it comes to national security?

According to New Delhi-based cyberlaw expert Virag Gupta, two decades back, intermediaries were acting as the messenger carrying a message from point A to point B, without interfering in it in any manner.

“Nowadays, social media platforms are aggressively active and no longer playing the role of a conventional intermediary,” Gupta told IANS.

Twitter is an intermediary as per Bharatiya law which has to compulsorily comply with directions issued by the authorities under section 69A of the IT Act.

According to experts, failure to comply with any such directions would take away the indemnity provided under section 79 of the IT Act.

“Section 69A of the IT Act gives immense and extraordinary power to the government for blocking the content, which can be challenged before the High Court or Supreme Court,” said Gupta.

However, its purpose is to maintain public order, prevent cognisable offences and protect sovereignty, integrity, defence, security and Bharat’s friendly relation with foreign states.

Freedom of speech is guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution. However there are many restrictions under Article 19(2), which are part of the Section 69A of the IT Act.

“So in such matters of national security, judicial review of the government orders may not be normally allowed,” Gupta told IANS.

Twitter was also involved in a legal battle in the Delhi High Court last year with the Centre over not complying with the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, that aim to redefine Bharat’s digital landscape.

After Twitter went to the Karnataka High Court this time, the government reiterated that all Internet intermediaries and social media platforms have to comply with the law of the land.

IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said that “be it any company, in any sector, they should abide by the laws of India”.

Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that all foreign intermediaries and platforms have a right to approach the court and judicial review in Bharat.

“But equally, all intermediary/platforms operating here have an unambiguous obligation to comply with our laws and rules,” Chandrasekhar emphasised.

The IT Minister has given the hint for a new IT Act to fight multiple cyber challenges faced by the authorities and users.

The republished draft by the IT Ministry has revealed a plan to form an appeals panel that can reverse content moderation decisions by Big Tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

The new IT rules also require big social media platforms to help the government trace the originator of messages in special cases.

“The intermediary shall respect the rights accorded to citizens under the constitution,” according to the new draft.

By virtue of Rule 7 of the IT Rules, 2021, the moment any intermediary including any significant social media intermediary does not comply with the Information Technology Rules, they automatically lose their statutory exemption from legal liability.

Further, they become liable for being punished for various offences under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

“There is actually no rationale for any service providers not to comply with the applicable law in India. The Internet service providers and social media platforms ought to comply with the rules immediately so as to prevent any potential future legal consequences,” said Pavan Duggal, a seasoned Supreme Court advocate and a cyber law expert.

The government is clearly entitled to take action for criminal prosecution against the service provider as per Rule 7 of the IT Rules, 2021.

Further, all affected persons who have been affected by the inactions of the service provider, can sue the service provider, both for legal action and also for criminal liability, Duggal added.

“The ultimate idea is to give a deterrent message to all service providers that they will have to ensure compliance with the applicable laws, otherwise they will continue to keep on facing legal consequences under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules and regulations,” Duggal told IANS.

“The thumb rule is very clear: if you have to operate in India, then you have to ensure compliance with the applicable Indian law, otherwise you will be prepared to face the legal consequences emerging there from,” he added.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with minor edits to conform to HinduPost style-guide.)

Kanhaiyalal beheading has exposed true Islamist face of Ajmer Sufi Dargah


The true Islamist face of Ajmer Sufi Dargah has come to the fore as Dargah’s Khadim Salman Chishti’s video emerged on social media on July 5 threatening to murder ex-spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Nupur Sharma. Chishti is a repeat offender and has 13 cases registered against him which include murder and attempt to murder. He offered to gift his house to one who brings Nupur’s head.

According to available information, the video is around 4-5 days old. “I swear by my elders, I swear by my mother, I will shoot her openly. I swear by my children, whoever brings Nupur Sharma’s head, I will give this house to him”, Chishti says in the video. He also claimed to be a ‘true soldier of Khwaja’.

Interestingly, Ajmer Dargah’s head Zainul Abedin Ali Khan had claimed that Muslims will not permit Talibanization of the country. “No religion promotes violence against humanity. Especially in the religion of Islam, all the teachings act as sources of peace. In the gruesome video that surfaced on the internet, some non-ethical minds committed a brutal attack on a poor man, which is received as a punishable sin in the Islamic world”, Khan reportedly said.

Ajmer Dargah’s Khadim Gauhar Chishti is also said to have given a provocative speech on June 17 during a rally. ‘Gustakh-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda’ slogans were raised during the rally. Ajmer Dargah Khadim Syed Sarwar Chishti made a video on June 26 threatening Nupur Sharma supporters over remarks on Muhammad. In what can be termed as nothing but hypocrisy while the Dargah maintains it ‘advocates’ peace, its Khadims deliberately instigate Muslims.

A case has been registered by the Ajmer police in this matter. However, under the secular state, even the police appear to be siding with the Islamists. Ajmer’s Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Sandeep Saraswat is alleged to have tutored accused Salman Chishti to claim that he made the threatening video in an inebriated state.

A BJP leader shared a clip of the DSP coaching Chishti and said “Releasing a Proof of Ashok Gehlot’s Anti Hindu Face. Salman Chisti who issued a bounty on Nupur Sharma’s head said “Mai Nasha nahi Karta”. Rajasthan Police – Bol Nashe me tha, taaki bachaya jae (tell you were intoxicated so that you can be saved)”. After Chishti’s arrest, a statement by the Rajasthan police said that he was in an inebriated state when he made the threat.

Readers may recall that Kanhaiyalal was arrested following a complaint by his Muslim neighbor. Then they let him out and bail and claimed to have worked out a ‘compromise’ between both parties. Their advice to Kanhaiyalal was to ‘stay safe’ and his pleas for meaningful police protection fell on deaf ears. The poor man kept his shop closed for days out of fear, but was brutally murdered as soon as he reopened the shop by two jihadis posing as customers.

Islamists have been emboldened due to the inaction of the secular state and Hindus across the country have been receiving death threats. Islamists threatened a minor girl in Mumbai for opposing Kanhaiyalal’s beheading. Medical practitioner Umesh Kolhe was murdered by Islamists in Amravati.

The situation is no different in Nagpur, where an entire family had to flee after their younger son came on the local Islamist hit list. A Hindu man was assaulted in Bihar, and a Hindu activist and his two friends have been critically wounded in an attack in Karnataka’s Bagalkot, allegedly for the same reason: supporting Nupur i.e. protesting the unconstitutional demands to hang her.

Secular-liberal voices are again trying to hush up this matter, just like they did the ‘blasphemy’ murders of Kishan Bharwad, and Kamlesh Tiwari – all in the name of ‘maintaining peace’. However, not one of these voices had questioned the Muslim clerics and politicians who were whipping the masses into a frenzy while demanding public beheading of Nupur Sharma. When even some Pakistani Muslim preachers admitted that Nupur Sharma was provoked and it was wrong to demand her beheading after she had explained her stand, the Islamists in Bharat – including English-speaking radicals like Owaisi, Arfa Khanum, etc – continued to stoke Muslim passions.

The secular Indian state has failed miserably at maintaining law & order and safeguarding the rights of Hindus and other Dharmics who are facing a genocidal assault by Abrahamic fundamentalists. Our elites, most with Hindu-sounding names, have proven selfish at best and traitorous at worst. Only a complete reboot of our state apparatus and establishing a Hindu Dharmic rashtra which protects and privileges Dharmics can restore order and bring peace & harmony in the subcontinent.

(Featured Image Source: LNU News)