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Thursday, May 2, 2024

20 year old Muslim Undertrial Assaults 3 Policewomen Just Outside Mumbai Court

While tales of alleged police atrocity against ‘innocent’ Muslims are widely shared in the left-liberal media establishment, the reality is that policing is a very-very dangerous job when it comes to dealing with youth who are religiously-motivated to view Bharat as ‘Dar-al-Harb’ or ‘house of war’ i.e a non-Islamic country where Muslim law (sharia) is not in force.

Such brainwashed youth regard the State/Authorities/Police in a ‘kafir’ country as natural enemies of the quam (Muslim community), and this contempt & anger for police spills over as violent attacks on police from time to time.

On Saturday, a 20 year old undertrial, Sohail Sharif Khan, brutally assaulted four Mumbai police constables, including three women, inside a police van parked outside the Andheri magistrate court.

As per this report

“Sohail Sharif Khan, was arrested by the Meghwadi police in a robbery case. He was subsequently remanded in judicial custody and was lodged at the Arthur Road jail. 

He was brought to the magistrate court for a hearing. Around 6.35 pm, one of Khan’s friends tried to give him something while he was in the police van. When a woman constable asked the friend to leave, Khan lost his cool and ran riot.

Khan caught the constable by her collar and punched her. He also punched and kicked two other women constables and a male constable who tried to overpower him,” a police officer said.

“Khan then broke a tubelight inside the van. He tried to chew the glass and cut his chest, leaving him bleeding from his mouth and chest. He was sent for a medical test and then taken to the Arthur Road jail,” the officer said.”

Such instances of attacks by Muslim youth & gangs on police are disturbingly common.

The most notorious case in recent memory was the 2012 assault on Mumbai police by a mob consisting of 1000s of Muslims at Mumbai’s Azad Maidan. The mob had gathered for a ‘protest’ organized by Raza Academy — a city-based Barelvi Sunni Muslim organisation claiming to ‘promote Islamic culture’, and Madina Tul Ilm foundation, a Muslim organization that claims to ’empower the downtrodden’ . The reason for the ‘protest’ – oppression of Muslims in Rakhine riots in Myanmar and Assam riots.

Two people were killed and 63 injured, most of them policemen, after the mob went on a rampage. 5 police lady constables were molested – 2 of them also stabbed. They also burnt 11 vehicles including 3 media vans, destroyed 31 BEST buses and completely paralyzed Mumbai for that day. Amar Jawan Jyoti memorial was broken.

The mob stole two police self-loading rifles and a pistol. Apart from this the police recovered knives, rods, sticks, a pistol with five rounds and other articles from the scene of crime. Railway CCTV footage showed 200 youth carrying sticks/rods boarding trains from Mumbai suburbs to CST, which shows that the violence was planned.

Other examples –

Sept 2016:  Mumbai Police constable Vilas Shinde (52) died after being assaulted by Ahmed Qureshi (21) for hauling up Qureshi’s 16 year old brother who was driving without a helmet, during a data collection drive.

July 2015: In a mirror image of the assault on Constable Shinde, two traffic policemen in Delhi were brutally assaulted by traffic violators, after the officers asked the accused to pay a fine for not wearing helmets. Shahnawaz (22), his brother and father Sagir Ahmed (65) were arrested for the assault. Here is a video of the incident shot by a bystander:

June 2015: 42 police personnel injured and many women constables molested after large mob of Muslims turns violent in Ambur, Vellore district, Tamil Nadu. Ambur MLA Askam Basha (MNMK leader – 2011 alliance partner of AIADMK) reportedly instigated the protesters to attack the police.

Tamil media report of sexual assault on women Cops by rioting Muslims in Ambur, Vellore district, along with English translation. Courtesy: @Rjrasva

Here is a video of the Ambur assault provided by @SuryahSG

March 2016: Muslim mob attacks police post over Facebook post in West Bengal’s Birbhum district.

Jan 2016: Muslim mob protesting against Kamlesh Tiwari’s alleged remarks against the prophet of Islam, ransack police station & clash with BSF in Kaliachak, Malda, West Bengal

June 2013: 2,000 Muslim bikers in ‘festive mood’ because of Shab-e-Barat festivities zipped dangerously through traffic and showed off stunts in the heart of New Delhi, resulting in the death of one rider and injuries to several others, including two policemen who were targeted with stones.

And this is not limited to Bharat. Every country with a sizeable Muslim population sees the rise of certain no-go areas where even police is afraid to enter. France now has an annual ‘car burning‘ festival in its Muslim ghettos outside Paris.

Role of Community, Religious and Political leaders, Media, Academics

What is the reason for this rage and aggression bubbling under the surface in such a large proportion of Muslim masses? Liberal-secular intellectuals will either avoid discussing this issue, or put it down to the ‘oppression’ of the Hindu majoritarian State of Bharat.

But the root cause is the victimhood complex and subsequent rage against the kafir state that is constantly reinforced in the Muslim psyche by their religious leaders, Urdu media and politicians.

Many Bharatiyas feel marginalized and aggrieved due to injustice of the State today – from the farmers committing suicide to the likes of Nirbhaya’s parents waiting for justice. And who can feel more betrayed than Kashmiri Pandits who were thrown out of their homes enmasse in 1990? Do these sections resort to wanton violence or show such contempt for the law?

When highly educated, articulate Muslim leaders like MP Asaduddin Owaisi refer to police as ‘khatmal (bedbug), or his MLA brother Akbaruddin calls for civil war (“remove police for 15 minutes so 25 crore Muslims can teach 100 crore Hindus a lesson”), Bijnore Imam Maulana Anwarul Haq threatens police after he is accused of rape..then it should not come as a surprise that Muslim hotheads resort to violence at the drop of a hat. To make it worse, terror apologists like Congress’ Digvijay Singh & Salman Khurshid actively flame the fires of Muslim victimhood.

Urbane, cultured Muslims like Javed Akhtar attack a police women who penned an apt poem to express her angst agains the soft treatment meted out to Azad Maidan rioters, instead of focusing on the fanatics from within their community who rampaged through the streets of Mumbai.

Our national media tries its best to suppress news related to Muslim intolerance and violence, as their secular-liberal rule book says that reporting the facts will strengthen the ‘stereotypes’ regarding Islam. But they feel no such compunction in playing up Dalit atrocity stories, even going to the extent of fabrication, to deepen caste divisions in Hindu society. The net result of this media duplicity is that while the average Hindu is well-aware of the problems posed by caste discrimination (even to the point of self-loathing), the average Muslim ends up believing that his community is unfairly targeted in Bharat and that his/her only chance of survival is to unite against the kafirs (non-believers).

The role of Urdu media is even more damaging as they often spin conspiracy theories whenever Muslims are arrested for violence, rioting etc – a deeply rigid community primed on a steady diet of victimhood readily laps up outlandish theories like ’26/11 – RSS ki saazish’ (RSS is behind the 26/11 attacks). Tufail Ahmed has revelaed how Urdu media icons like the duplicitous Shahid Siddiqui are actually radicalizing Muslims of Bharat behind a charade of secularism for English speaking audiences.

And finally, our education system and Marxist historians like Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib, MN Roy, Bipin Chandra etc. have tried hard to negate and deny the atrocities unleashed on Hindus during the millennium-long attack by Muslim invaders.  They have projected Islam as a progressive, egalitarian faith while Hindu Dharma is shown as backward and oppressive – “hide the negatives of Islam and exaggerate the negatives of Hindu Dharma” is their credo. The work of Western Indologists like Max Mueller, Monier Williams to the present day Wendy Doniger and Sheldon Pollock has further characterized Hindu Dharma and Hindu society as oppressive, abnormal, barbaric and violence loving. Communalism is characterized as a 20th century phenomenon, and ‘Hindu fanatics’ are blamed for spreading ‘communal poison’.

The upshot of all this indoctrination is that the average Muslim is unaware of facts and history, feels no need for introspection on proclivity for violence within his community, and has developed barely disguised contempt for the laws and State of Bharat.

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  1. This reminds of the Police Woman who was battered to death before her colleagues at Bombay during the All India Moslem Riots of 2012.


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